Forres, Scotland

Ferryhill was the first Reciprocal Frame house in the UK and the first built in modular form by Out of Nowhere.
The design was worked for George and Francis Ripley founders of the Ferryhill development in Forres, Scotland.
They commissioned a design with a height restriction that precluded a full two story building, it did however allow for a substantial loft space.
The design included two double bedrooms divided from each other by shared bathroom all accessed by a single half glazed door from the atrium lounge. There is good sized kitchen with a separate entrance to garden and front of house parking together with fromal front entrance with lobby and toilet.
This project brought to light the power of spaces in multifaceted buildings that follow the geometry of the Reciprocal Frame rather than being arranged around a center point. A principle in its raw form in this project but developed with greater subtlety as years and experience grew and now included in all design work in all forms.