Woodland Burial Parks
Norwich, Epping,
The return of the body to the earth in places designated as sacred is as ancient as our existence on this planet.
These woodland burial parks were intended as places of rest for people of all beliefs and cultures.
The brief for the design was that the buildings were to carry a sacred presence and yet to be clearly non denominational in character. The designs emerged as a response to the emotional and spiritual journey we take while honouring the lost life of a loved one.
This journey revealed itself as one of seven gateways which have been embodied in built form and landscape device. The first being the gate through which people enter the sanctity of the burial park and the last being the grave.
These buildings reside as stations on that journey, each of an appropriate character and provide the living with a silent and loving embrace, whilst making the deep journey of release that death of a loved one evokes.
The project initially received objections from the Don Valley environmental protection group who subsequently proposed the project for a special award, largely because of the sensitive and skillful work of John Dejardin the project's landscape architect. Out of nowhere received the South Norfolk Design Award and came runner up in the EDP architectural awards to the new 60 Million Civic Centre for Norwich designed by Richard Rogers.
Quite satisfactory!!