The Earth Lodge, Findhorn
The Reciprocal Frame can either be approached with great precision or "in the rough"
The Earth Lodge is a fine example of the latter and was the inspiration of Craig Gibson former focaliser of the Findhorn Foundation. He approached Graham Brown wanting to create this earth sheltered sacred space during The Eco-Village Conference at the foundation in 1995. The notion was for conference participants to build this "Kiva" in four afternoon sessions.
The Earth Lodge was worked as an eight beam Reciprocal Frame design using larch poles with a minimum diameter of 200mm
It was built on the site of a sweat lodge pit which was further excavated to provide reasonable headroom in the lodge. The sides of the pit were sculpted to approximately 15Ëš to vertical and then retained by sandstone slabs.
The RF array was boarded with 50mm thick green hardwood sarking boards affixed to the beams with125mm nails.
Over this a waterproof membrane was laid and then covered with turf to allow the lodge to dissolve into the landscape.